Friday, November 18, 2011

here are some of the recent things i have been working on

The one at the top was made for my mom for her birthday present. Its supposed to be my dad sister mom and i. The second one with the puffers is for a commission for a aquascaping store in aeia. the last one is what i like to call eggplant, because it looks like one. lol  Hope you enjoy them.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Sunday, November 6, 2011

rainy saturday

went to go get some inspiration today by looking at some graff walls today. Ran into Prime and met Crayone tws at fresh cafe. That was an amazing start to my day. Went to some ditches and surprisingly with the amount of rain that we have been having they weren't flooded. Its amazing how far and how much everyone has progressed. i haven't been down there in over ten years some of the old stuff is still there, but the new stuff is so good. Really really inspiring day today, topped off with spending the night with someone special.